Lower Extremity

Surface Anatomy






The Lower Limb – the Erect Gait

The bipedal upright gait not only influenced the intellectual and socio-cultural development of humans but also resulted in significant changes of the human anatomy.

In humans, the lower extremities – as seen in hominids – are locomotion and support organs, however, with a more stable and wider pelvic girdle and longer legs: The extensive pelvic bones bear the weight of the upper body and support the viscera of the abdominal cavity, enabling prolonged standing without much effort. The ability to take larger steps results in accelerated locomotion. Speed and greater range of action caused already the quadrupedal mammals to develop limbs which migrated ventrally underneath the body. The front (upper) extremities were rotated dorsally while the rear (lower) extremities were rotated ventrally. Hence, in humans the extensors of the thigh and lower leg are positioned anteriorly, whereas the upper arm and forearm extensors are located posteriorly.

The joints of the free extremity such as hip, knee, and ankle joints are supported by stable ligaments. They ensure steadiness while standing and relieve the muscle groups on buttocks, knee, and calf, which are responsible for body posture.

The stance stabilizing foot of humans – in contrast to the grasping hand-like foot in hominids – has led to less mobility of the joints, especially of the interphalangeal joints of the toes; the muscles of the foot contribute to stabilization of the foot and bracing of the plantar arch rather than enabling the fine-tuned movement of individual toes.

Pelvic Girdle

In contrast to the shoulder girdle, the pelvic girdle (Cingulum membri inferioris or pelvicum) is an almost rigid bony ring. Dorsally it consists of the sacrum (Os sacrum), which is a constituent of the spine. The sacrum is unpaired and it connects bilaterally through minimally flexible joints (Articulationes sacroiliacae) with the paired pelvic bones (Ossa coxae). The Ossa coxae form two bony half shells which join ventrally beneath the Mons pubis at the fibrocartilaginous Symphysis pubica. This resembles a bony floorless basin, where the muscles and ligaments form the pelvic floor. Each pelvic bone consists of three single bones which are connected by synostoses once growth is completed: the ilium (Os ilium, cranial), the ischium (Os ischii, caudodorsal) and the pubis (Os pubis, caudoventral).

When investigating the soft tissues of the pelvic girdle, the following picture emerges: At the ventral aspect, the inguinal region (Regio inguinalis) is positioned on either side of the Mons pubis. In the tender inguinal canal, blood vessels, muscles, and nerves (and the spermatic cord in males) descend from the interior of the abdomen to the leg (and scrotum, respectively). The pulse of the femoral artery (A. femoralis) is palpable slightly lateral to both sides of the Mons pubis in the Regio inguinalis. The actual hip region (Regio coxae) is located more laterally. Dorsally, the bilaterally curved buttocks of the gluteal region (Regio glutealis, “ho glutos”: the buttocks) rest on the bony pelvic girdle. Their convexity resulted from the adaptive evolution of the gluteal muscles due to the transition to the bipedal gait. Both buttocks are separated by a deep natal cleft (Crena ani) and the gluteal fold (Sulcus glutealis) separates them from the thigh.

Lower limb

The Pars libera membri inferioris consists of the thigh (Femur), the knee (Genu), the leg (Crus), and the foot (Pes).

The thigh (Femur) is supported by the identically named bone, which is the largest long bone of the body. In the hip joint (Articulatio coxae), the ball-like head of the Femur articulates with the hemispherical socket of the Os coxae. The range of movement of the hip joint, especially the extension, is restricted by powerful, almost centimetre-thick ligaments which are incorporated into the capsule. Since the Femur is well surrounded by muscles, one can only palpate the two (epi-)condyles (bilaterally superior to the knee) and the greater trochanter (Trochanter major) in the hip region.

In the knee region (Regio genus), the thigh bone and Tibia form the knee joint (Articulatio genus). The kneecap (Patella) is the ventral part of the knee joint and articulates with the Femur through its posterior surface. The knee is primarily a hinge joint between Femur and Tibia. In a flexed position, it also allows for a certain rotation of the leg. The posterior region of the knee, the popliteal fossa (Fossa poplitea), is soft and placable when the knee is flexed. Deep in the fossa, branches of the N. ischiadicus and the A. poplitea descend from the thigh to the leg. Therefore, the pulse of the A. poplitea is hardly palpable in a flexed position of the knee.

The lower leg (Crus, leg) is supported by a medially and anteriorly located Tibia and a laterally positioned Fibula. The head of the Fibula is easily palpable distal to the knee joint (of which the Fibula is not a part). The N. fibularis communis descends subcutaneously and dorsal to the head of the Fibula. Damage to the N. fibularis communis can occur at this point, e.g. due to pressure of a poorly padded cast.

At the transition to the foot (Pes), one can easily palpate the bilateral ankle bulges (Malleolus lateralis and medialis). The Malleolus lateralis (of the Fibula) is always positioned lower than the Malleolus medialis (of the Tibia). Just inferior and posterior to the Malleolus medialis a bundle of blood vessels, nerves and tendons descends from the dorsal aspect of the Crus to the sole of the foot. The pulse of the A. tibialis posterior is palpable near the Malleolus medialis. Both malleoli of the Tibia and Fibula articulate with the Talus, forming the ankle joint (Articulatio talocruralis). It facilitates elevation and depression of the foot. The digital extensor tendons project on the dorsum of the foot. Between them, the pulse of the A. dorsalis pedis is palpable. The skeleton of the foot includes the Tarsus, the Metatarsus, and the phalanges (Digiti). There are seven tarsal bones (Ossa tarsi), the Talus being positioned on top. Just below the Talus lies the heel bone (Calcaneus) to which the ACHILLES tendon (Tendo calcaneus) attaches at its posterior surface. At the medial side, the navicular bone (Os naviculare) lies inferior and anterior to the Talus. The above mentioned three bones form the talocalcaneonavicular joint (Articulatio talocalcaneonavicularis). It permits rotating the foot inwards (supination) and outwards (pronation). The remaining tarsal bones, the three cuneiform bones (Ossa cuneiformia) and the cuboid (Os cuboideum), are interconnected by tight and almost immobile joints. The Metatarsus is supported by five long bones, the Ossa metatarsi. Together with the tarsal bones, they form the arch of the foot. The flexible arch of the foot is mainly supported by muscles and tendons located in the sole of the foot (Planta pedis). The toes I to V (Digiti) are formed by shorter long bones, the phalanges. One starts counting at the great toe (Hallux, Digitus primus); in analogy to the thumb, the Hallux has only two phalanges.

Dissection Link

The musculoskeletal system is dissected in layers (stratigraphically) from superficial to deep structures.

Ventral dissection: First, the epifascial structures in the subcutaneous adipose tissue are exposed. This involves several cutaneous nerves of the Plexus lumbalis and at the distal leg around the N. fibularis superficialis from the Plexus sacralis. Then follows the dissection of the V. saphena magna ascending from the anterior aspect of the medial malleolus via the medial aspect of the knee up to the Confluens venosus subinguinalis in the groin. The fascia is opened to expose the individual muscles. Immediately beneath the inguinal ligament (Lig. inguinale), the Lacunae musculorum and vasorum together with exiting neurovascular structures are dissected. From here, the A. and V. femoralis as well as the N. saphenus are traced to their entrance into the adductor canal (Canalis adductorius). Next, the origin and the branches of the A. profunda femoris, the main blood vessel supplying the thigh, are dissected. Finally, the individual joints (e.g. knee joint) are exposed.

Dorsal dissection: After exposure of the epifascial cutaneous nerves from the Plexus sacralis, the V. saphena parva is traced from the posterior aspect of the lateral malleolus to its confluence in the popliteal fossa. Next, the opening of the fascia displays the individual muscles. In the gluteal region, the M. gluteus maximus is exposed and reflected, followed by the display of the deep muscles of the gluteal region. The Regio glutealis with pathways is dissected. The N. ischiadicus is traced to its divergence and from there the N. tibialis and the N. fibularis communis with its branches are traced to the foot. The popliteal fossa is dissected including blood vessels. In the leg, the neurovascular pathways are traced along the A. tibialis anterior and posterior to the foot. After the removal of the plantar aponeurosis on the Planta pedis, the individual layers of the short foot muscles are exposed and the associated pathways are visualised.


Surface anatomy


Skeleton of the lower extremity

Clinical Remarks

Since the whole body weight is transferred via the mechanical axis to the soles of the feet, the stress on the joints is even if the joints are aligned along the mechanical axis. Shifting of the knee joint in the case of a knock-knee (Genu valgum) or bowleg (Genu varum) deformity results in an uneven stress on both compartments of the knee joint (red arrows, → Fig. 4.4). As a consequence, degeneration of the menisci or the joint cartilage may occur, causing arthrosis of the knee joint (gonarthrosis). A Genu valgum results in lateral arthrosis whereas a Genu varum causes arthrosis in the medial compartment. For substantial deviations from the mechanical axis, surgical corrections by removal of a bony wedge (osteotomy) may be performed.


Hip bone

Thigh bone


Fig. 4.23 Distal end of the femur, Femur, right side; lateral view.
To understand the flexion-extension movement in the knee joint (→
Fig. 4.69) knowledge about the articular surfaces of the femoral condyles is important. In relation to the axis of the femoral shaft the articular surfaces are positioned dorsally (retroposition). In addition, the curvature of the femoral condyles is more pronounced posteriorly (smaller radius of curvature) than anteriorly (larger radius of curvature) resulting in a spiral curvature. This phenomenon is more distinct in the medial than in the lateral condyle (→ Fig. 4.100).

Ligaments of the pelvis

Hip joint

Blood supply of the hip joint

Knee joint


Figs. 4.69a to c Range of movement in the knee joint, Articulatio genus. (c according to [1])
The knee joint is a bicondylar joint (Articulatio bicondylaris) which functions similar to a pivot-hinge joint (trochoginglymus) and has two axes of movement. The transverse axis for extension and flexion movements runs through both femoral condyles (c). The longitudinal axis for rotational movements: projects eccentrically and perpendicular through the Tuberculum intercondylare mediale of the Tibia. Due to the smaller posterior radius of curvature of the femoral condyles the transverse axis does not remain in a constant position, but moves posteriorly and superiorly during flexion in a convex line (c). The flexion movement thus is a combined rolling and sliding movement in which the condyles roll up to 20° posteriorly and then turn in this position. Since the shape of the medial and lateral condyles of the Femur and Tibia is not identical, it is the lateral femoral condyle that predominantly rolls (similar to a rocking chair) and the medial condyle remains in its position to rotate (similar to a ball-and-socket joint). At the same time the Femur rotates slightly outwards. In the terminal phase of the extension movement, the tension of the anterior cruciate ligament also causes a forced lateral rotation of 5°–10°, during which the medial condyle even loses its contact with the medial meniscus.

The active flexion up to 120° can be increased up to 140° after pre-extension of the hamstring muscles (a). Passive flexion is possible up to 160°, limited only by soft tissues. Extension is possible up to the null-position but can be further increased passively by 5°–10°. Rotational movements are exclusively possible during flexion of the knee because the tension of the collateral ligaments during knee extension prevents rotational movements (b). Lateral rotation is possible to a larger extent than medial rotation because the cruciate ligaments twist around each other during medial rotation. Abduction and adduction are almost completely prevented by the strong collateral ligaments.

Range of movement:

Cruciate ligaments


Ankle joint

Clinical Remarks

Injuries to the ankle joint are more common than injuries to the talocalcaneonavicular joint because the ligamentous support in the malleolar region is not very strong. Since the trochlea of the Talus is wider in the anterior than the posterior part (→ Fig. 4.37), secure guidance of the bones is only guaranteed in dorsiflexion (-extension) with distension of the malleolar fork. The most common ligamentous injury in the human is the tear of the lateral ligaments (Lig. talofibulare anterius and Lig. calcaneofibulare) in hypersupination trauma.

Talocalcaneonavicular joint

Joints of the foot


Fig. 4.90 Joints of the foot, Articulationes pedis, right side, with ligaments; plantar view.
The remaining joints of the Tarsus and Metatarsus are amphiarthroses which only minimally contribute to the movement of the foot. Together however, they extend the range of movement of the talocalcaneonavicular joint and transform the foot into an elastic base. At the Tarsus, two joints can be emphasized which contribute to supination and pronation movements of the foot. The CHOPART’s joint (Articulatio tarsi transversa) is composed of the Articulatio talonavicularis and the Articulatio calcaneocuboidea (→
Fig. 4.33). The LISFRANC’s joint (Articulationes tarsometatarsales) is the connection to the Metatarsus (→ Fig. 4.33). These two articulation lines have clinical relevance as important amputation lines.
The metatarsal bones articulate in several separate joints. The metatarsal bones are connected proximally by the Articulationes intermetatarsales and distally by the Lig. metatarsale transversum profundum. The joints of forefoot and midfoot are linked by strong plantar, dorsal, and interosseous ligaments. The CHOPART’s joint is stabilised dorsally by the Lig. bifurcatum which divides into two ligaments (Lig. calcaneonaviculare and Lig. calcaneocuboideum, →
Fig. 4.87) and is opposed on the plantar side by the Lig. calcaneocuboideum plantare. Together with the Lig. calcaneonaviculare plantare, the Lig. plantare longum serves to stabilise the plantar arch. The latter is more superficial than the other plantar ligaments and spans from the Calcaneus to the Os cuboideum and the Ossa metatarsalia II–IV. The digital joints can be categorised in metatarsophalangeal joints (Articulationes metatarsophalangeales) and in proximal and distal interphalangeal joints (Articulationes interphalangeae proximales and distales). The range of movement in all digital joints is limited by tight collateral ligaments (Ligg. collateralia) and inferiorly by the Ligg. plantaria.

Ankle joint and other joints of the foot

Plantar arch

Clinical Remarks

Foot deformities are very common. The most common deformity of the extremities is the congenital clubfoot in which the foot is fixed in plantarflexion and supination. This position is caused by an insufficient regression of this intrauterine physiological position (→ p. 132). More frequently are the adult deformities caused by a failure of the ligamentous support system. The acquired flatfoot buckles medially because the Talus is displaced inferiomedially. This in turn forces the heads of the metatarsal bones apart and results in floor contact of the metatarsal bones II–V. This may cause painful compression symptoms at the sole of the foot.



Muscles of the hip and thigh


Fig. 4.116 to Fig. 4.118 Ventral muscles of the hip and thigh and medial muscles of the thigh, right side; ventral view.
The muscles of the hip and thigh are equally important to erect the body from the supine position, to maintain an upright position, and for the normal gait. The ventral muscles of the hip comprise the M. iliopsoas (→
Fig. 4.116) which functions as most important flexor of the hip. Located at the lateral thigh, the M. tensor fasciae latae (→ Fig. 4.117a) functions as tension band via its insertion on the iliotibial tract and protects the thigh bone from fractures by reducing bending stress. Together with the M. sartorius (→ Fig. 4.117a), the M. tensor fasciae latae flexes the hip joint. Due to its innervation, the M. tensor fasciae latae is also counted among the dorsolateral hip muscles.
The four-headed M. quadriceps femoris (→
Fig. 4.117b) is the only extensor of the knee joint and is essential to erect the body from a squatting position. Its M. rectus femoris spans two joints and also flexes the hip.
Located medially, the muscles of the adductor group (Mm. adductores, →
Fig. 4.118) are the most important adductors of the thigh and stabilise the hip during standing and walking.


Figs. 4.123a to c Dorsal muscles of the hip, right side; dorsal view.
The dorsal muscles of the hip are categorized in a dorsolateral and a pelvitrochanteric group.

The dorsolateral group comprises the Mm. glutei maximus, medius and minimus. According to its innervation, the M. tensor fasciae latae (→
Fig. 4.117a) also may be counted among this group. The M. gluteus maximus (→ Fig. 4.123a) is the most important extensor and lateral rotator of the hip and for example necessary when climbing stairs. In contrast, the smaller gluteal muscles (Mm. glutei medius and minimus, → Figs. 4.123b and c) are the most important abductors and medial rotators of the thigh. Their action stabilises the hip during standing and walking and prevents the tilting of the pelvis to the contralateral side when standing on one leg (for the function of the small gluteal muscles and the TRENDELENBURG’s sign → p. 335).
The pelvitrochanteric group (M. priformis, Mm. obturatorii internus and externus, Mm. gemelli superior and inferior, M. quadratus femoris →
Fig. 4.123c) comprises exclusively lateral rotators.


Fig. 4.124 Dorsal (ischiocrural, hamstring) muscles of the thigh, right side; dorsal view.
The dorsal (ischiocrural, hamstring) muscles (→
Fig. 4.124) on the posterior side of the thigh originate from the Tuber ischiadicum and insert to both bones of the lower leg. These muscles span two joints and facilitate extension in the hip joint while serving as strongest flexors in the knee joint. In addition, the lateral M. biceps femoris functions in lateral rotation on both joints, whereas the medial M. semitendinosus and M. semimembranosus function in medial rotation.

Muscles of the leg


Fig. 4.131 to Fig. 4.133 Muscles of the leg, right side; ventral (→ Fig. 4.131), lateral (→ Fig. 4.132), and dorsal (→ Fig. 4.133) views.
The leg has three muscle groups. To understand their function, the position in relation to the axes of movement in the joints of the ankle and foot are important. All muscles coursing anterior to the transverse axis of the ankle joint are extensors (dorsiflexors), all muscles dorsal to this axis are flexors (plantarflexors) of the foot. All muscles with tendons coursing medial to the oblique axis of the talocalcaneonavicular joint function as supinators and lift the medial margin of the foot. Muscles with tendons lateral to this axis lift the lateral margin of the foot and thus perform pronation.

The ventral muscles of the leg function as extensors (→
Fig. 4.131). They extend the ankle joint and the talocalcaneonavicular joint, together with the other joints of the foot, they mainly support pronation. The M. tibialis anterior is the most important extensor (→ Fig. 4.131), whereas the M. extensor digitorum longus and M. extensor hallucis longus also extend the toes.
The lateral (fibular) muscles of the leg (→
Fig. 4.132) comprise the Mm. fibularis longus and brevis. They are the most important pronators and function as plantarflexors in the ankle joint due to their tendons positioned behind the flexion-extension axis. Dorsally located are the true flexor muscles (plantarflexors) which can be divided in a superficial and a deep group.
The M. triceps surae (→
Fig. 4.133a) is part of the superficial dorsal muscles and comprises the two-headed M. gastrocnemius and the M. soleus beneath. The M. triceps surae is the strongest flexor and major supinator of the foot. The M. plantaris is rather insignificant.
The deep dorsal muscles (flexors; →
Fig. 4.133b) are largely equivalent to the extensors on the ventral side. The M. tibialis posterior is a flexor and a strong supinator. The M. flexor digitorum longus and M. flexor hallucis longus flex the phalangeal joints. A special role has the M. popliteus which stabilises the knee joint. Above the medial Malleolus, the tendon of the M. flexor digitorum crosses the tendon of the M. tibialis posterior (Chiasma cruris) and at the level of the sole of the foot, it crosses the tendon of the M. flexor hallucis longus (Chiasma plantare).

Muscles of the foot

Plexus lumbosacralis


Fig. 4.151 Lumbosacral plexus, Plexus lumbosacralis (T12–S5, Co1): segmental organisation of the nerves, right side; ventral view.
The lower extremity is innervated by the Plexus lumbosacralis. The plexus is composed of Rr. anteriores of the spinal nerves which originate from the lumbar, sacral, and coccygeal segments of the spinal cord and combine to form the Plexus lumbalis (T12–L4) and the Plexus sacralis (L4–S5, Co1). The segments S4–Co1 are also referred to as Plexus coccygeus. Both plexuses are connected by the Truncus lumbosacralis which conveys nerve fibres from the spinal cord segments L4, L5 from the Plexus lumbalis to the small pelvis. The functionally most important nerves of the Plexus lumbalis are the N. femoralis and the N. obturatorius.

The N. femoralis provides motor innervation to the ventral muscle group of the hip and thigh (flexors in the hip and extensors in the knee) and sensory innervation to the ventral aspect of the thigh and the ventromedial aspect of the leg. The N. obturatorius conveys motor fibres to the adductor muscles and sensory fibres to the medial thigh. The strongest and longest branch of the Plexus sacralis is the N. ischiadicus. With both of its divisions (N. tibialis and N. fibularis) the N. ischiadicus provides motor innervation to the hamstring muscles (extensors in the hip and flexors in the knee) and to all muscles in the leg and the foot as well as sensory innervation to the calf and foot. The Nn. glutei superior and inferior innervate the gluteal muscles which represent the major extensors, rotators, and abductors of the hip. The N. pudendus provides motor innervation to the muscles of the perineal region and sensory innervation to the external genitalia. The muscles of the pelvic floor are innervated by direct branches (*) of the sacral plexus.



Innervation of the lower extremity by the Plexus lumbosacralis

Innervation of the skin

Plexus lumbalis


Fig. 4.158 Course and target areas of the nerves of the Plexus lumbalis (T12–L4); ventral view; cutaneous branches are highlighted in purple.
The N. iliohypogastricus and N. ilioinguinalis (further caudal) cross the M. quadratus lumborum behind the kidney and then pass between the M. transversus abdominis and the M. obliquus internus abdominis to the ventral side. Both innervate the inferior parts of these abdominal muscles. The N. iliohypogastricus also provides sensory innervation to the skin above the inguinal ligament, the N. ilioinguinalis provides sensory innervation to the anterior aspect of the external genitalia. The N. genitofemoralis pierces the M. psoas major, crosses posterior to the ureter, and divides into two branches: The lateral R. femoralis enters the anterior thigh through the Lacuna vasorum and provides cutaneous innervation inferior to the inguinal ligament. The medial R. genitalis courses through the inguinal canal to the Scrotum and conveys sensory fibres to the anterior aspects of the external genitalia and motor fibres to the M. cremaster in men. The N. cutaneus femoris lateralis projects laterally through the Lacuna musculorum and provides sensory fibres for the lateral side of the thigh. The N. femoralis courses medially through the Lacuna musculorum and immediately splits fan-like into several branches. Rr. cutanei anteriores supply the skin on the ventral side of the thigh. The Rr. musculares provide motor fibres to the anterior muscles of the hip (M. iliopsoas) and the thigh (M. sartorius and M. quadriceps femoris) and in part to the M. pectineus. Its terminal branch is the N. saphenus which enters the adductor canal (→
p. 351) and exits it through the Septum intermusculare vastoadductorium at the medial side of the knee joint to supply sensory innervation to the medial and anterior aspects of the leg. The N. obturatorius initially courses medial to the M. psoas major and then passes through the Canalis obturatorius (→ p. 351) to the medial aspect of the thigh. One of its branches reaches the M. obturatorius externus. The N. obturatorius then divides into the R. anterior and the R. posterior (anterior and posterior to the M. adductor brevis) which convey motor fibres to the muscles of the adductor group. The R. anterior also provides cutaneous innervation to the skin of the medial thigh.

Clinical Remarks

Lesions of the N. iliohypogastricus, N. ilioinguinalis and N. genitofemoralis are rare due to their protected position. However, their close proximity to the kidney and the ureter may result in pain radiating to the inguinal region or the external genitalia in certain diseases of the kidney (inflammation of the renal pelvis, pyelonephritis, ureter concrements).

The N. cutaneus femoris lateralis may be pinched underneath the inguinal ligament by tightly fitting pants or may be injured during hip surgery with an anterior access. This may result in loss of sensation or pain at the lateral aspect of the thigh (meralgia paraesthetica).

Injury to the N. femoralis most frequently occurs in the groin during surgery or diagnostic manoeuvres (e.g. cardiac catheter). As a result, the restriction of hip flexion and the irability to extend the knee make it impossible to climb stairs. The patellar tendon reflex (knee-jerk reflex) is lacking and sensation on the anterior thigh and medial leg is absent.

The N. obturatorius is at risk of injury when passing through the Canalis obturatorius. Pelvic fractures as well as obturator hernias or extensive ovarian carcinomas may cause nerve lesions. Loss of function of the obturator muscles causes unstable standing, weakness with leg adduction and makes it impossible to cross one‘s legs. Sensory loss may occur at the medial thigh. Pain and paraesthesia may radiate and simulate diseases of the knee joint (ROMBERG’s knee phenomenon).

Plexus sacralis


Fig. 4.160 Course and target areas of the nerves of the Plexus sacralis (L4–S5, Co1). Dorsal view; cutaneous nerves are highlighted in purple.
The N. gluteus superior exits the small pelvis through the Foramen suprapiriforme and provides motor innervation to the small gluteal muscles (most important abductors and medial rotators of the hip joint) and the M. tensor fasciae latae. The N. gluteus inferior exits through the Foramen infrapiriforme and innervates the M. gluteus maximus, the strongest extensor and external rotator of the hip joint.

The N. ischiadicus is the strongest nerve of the human body. It consists of two divisions (N. tibialis and N. fibularis communis) which are combined to one common nerve for a variable distance only by a connective tissue sheath (epineurium). The N. ischiadicus exits the pelvis through the Foramen infrapiriforme and descends to the popliteal fossa underneath the M. biceps femoris.

In most cases, N. tibialis and N. fibularis communis separate at the level of the distal third of the thigh. Occasionally (12% of cases), both nerves already exit the pelvis separately (high division) in which case the N. fibularis often pierces the M. piriformis. At the level of the thigh, the N. tibialis provides motor innervation to the hamstring muscles and the posterior head of the M. adductor magnus. The N. fibularis innervates the Caput breve of the M. biceps femoris. Both portions of the N. ischiadicus together innervate all muscles of the leg and the foot and provide sensory innervation to the skin of the leg (except for the medial aspect: innervated by the N. saphenus of the N. femoralis) and the foot.

The N. cutaneus femoris posterior exits the pelvis through the Foramen infrapiriforme and branches off the sensory Nn. clunium inferiores for the skin of the inferior gluteal region. It descends in the subfascial layer to the middle of the thigh and provides sensory innervation to the posterior thigh.

The N. pudendus has a complicated course. It exits the pelvis through the Foramen infrapiriforme and, together with the corresponding blood vessels, winds around the Spina ischiadica and courses through the Foramen ischiadicum minus medially into the ischioanal fossa. The N. pudendus courses in a fascial duplication of the M. obturatorius internus (ALCOCK’s canal; pudendal canal). The N. pudendus innervates the external sphincter muscle of the anal canal (M. sphincter ani externus) and all muscles of the perineum. It supplies sensory innervation to the posterior aspects of the external genitalia (posterior scrotum/labia majora; all of penis/clitoris).

The motor branches for the pelvitrochanteric muscles also exit through the Foramen infrapiriforme, whereas those for the pelvic floor do not exit the small pelvis. Parasympathetic nerves also remain within the pelvis. The small cutaneous branches pierce the Lig. sacrotuberale (N. cutaneus perforans) or the M. ischiococcygeus (N. anococcygeus).


Clinical Remarks

Lesions of the nerves of the Plexus sacralis – part 1 (part 2 → p. 335)

With a high division of the N. ischiadicus, the N. fibularis communis may be irritated when piercing the M. piriformis (piriformis syndrome). The resulting pain may be very similar to the pain caused by a disc herniation. The N. ischiadicus may also be injured during intragluteal injections or by compression during extended sitting periods, after pelvic fractures and in the case of hip luxations or hip surgery. The resulting paralysis of the hamstring muscles affects extension in the hip joint, but more importantly, flexion and rotation in the knee joint. If the N. tibialis and N. fibularis are damaged completely, all muscles of the leg and foot are paralysed and standing or walking is impossible. When lifting the leg, the foot cannot be dorsiflexed and drags along the ground (foot drop). As a result, patients increase compensatory hip and knee flexion (steppage gait). Standing on one’s toes is not possible anymore since plantarflexion is lost. Cutaneous innervation is almost completely absent in the leg (except ventromedial) and foot (for isolated lesions of the N. tibialis and N. fibularis → pages 336 and 337). Lesions of isolated motor branches to the pelvitrochanteric muscles or cutaneous branches are of no functional relevance. Motor branches to the muscles of the pelvic floor and parasympathetic nerves, however, may be injured during surgical procedures in the small pelvis, such as rectum and prostate surgery. Fecal and urinary incontinence may result from pelvic floor insufficiency. Injury to the parasympathetic nerves result in erectile dysfunction in men and an equally insufficient filling of the cavernous body of the clitoris in women.

Plexus sacralis

Clinical Remarks

Lesions of the nerves of the Plexus sacralis – part 2 (part 1 → p. 333)

Due to its protected course, lesions of the N. pudendus are rare. Symptoms are caused by the malfunction of the perineal muscles and the sphincter muscles of the bladder and rectum and may result in urinary and fecal incontinence. Sensory loss in the genital region may cause disturbances in sexual functions. During parturition, loss of sensory function in the perineogenital region is desired and a pudendal nerve block may be performed to reduce pain. Thereby, the Spina ischiadica is palpated through the vagina and the N. pudendus is anaesthetised prior to its entrance in the ALCOCK’s canal by injections approximately 1 cm lateral and cranial of the ischial spine.

Wrongly placed intramuscular injections in the gluteal region may injure the neurovascular structures which leave the Foramina supra- and infrapiriforme. Not only blood vessels but also the Nn. glutei superior and inferior, the N. cutaneus femoris posterior, and the N. ischiadicus may be affected. The intragluteal injection according to HOCHSTETTER is applied to the M. gluteus medius (→ Fig. 4.163).

Lesions of the N. gluteus superior cause paralysis of the small gluteal muscles (most important abductors and medial rotators of the hip) and the M. tensor fasciae latae. Paralysis of the small gluteal muscles makes it impossible to stand one-legged on the affected side because the pelvis tilts to the contralateral side (TRENDELENBURG’s sign).

With lesions of the N. gluteus inferior the loss of function of the M. gluteus maximus compromises extension in the hip. With normal gait, this deficit can partly be compensated for by the action of the hamstring muscles. However, activities such as climbing stairs, jumping, and a fast walking pace will not be possible.

Lesions of the N. cutaneus femoris posterior cause sensory deficits on the posterior side of the thigh.

N. tibialis


Fig. 4.165 N. tibialis: sensory innervation by cutaneous nerves (purple), and motor innervation by muscular branches, right side; dorsal view.
The N. ischiadicus often divides at the transition from the middle to the lower third of the thigh into the medial N. tibialis and the lateral N. fibularis communis. The N. tibialis innervates the dorsal muscles of the thigh (hamstring muscles and dorsal part of the M. adductor magnus). The N. tibialis continues in the direction of the N. ischiadicus to pass the popliteal fossa and descends between the heads of the M. gastrocnemius beneath the tendinous arch of the M. soleus (Arcus tendineus musculi solei). It further courses together with the A. and V. tibialis posterior between the superficial and deep flexors to the medial malleolus. In the popliteal fossa the N. cutaneus surae medialis branches off to supply the medial calf and splits into the N. suralis for the distal calf and the N. cutaneus dorsalis lateralis for the lateral margin of the foot. The latter often communicates with a cutaneous branch from the N. fibularis communis. When passing underneath the Retinaculum musculorum flexorum (malleolar canal), the N. tibialis splits into its two terminal branches (Nn. plantares medialis and lateralis) for the innervation of the sole of the foot. Thus, the N. tibialis provides motor innervation to all flexor muscles of the calf and all plantar muscles of the foot as well as sensory innervation to the middle calf and, after forming the N. suralis, to the lower calf and the lateral margin of the foot.

N. fibularis communis

Clinical Remarks

Lesions of the N. fibularis communis are the most common nerve lesions of the lower extremity. Potential causes are fractures of the proximal fibula, tight skiing boots or casts, or cross-legged position. Loss of function of the extensor muscles results in a drop of the foot (footdrop). As a result, patients increase the compensatory knee flexion (steppage gait). Palsy of the fibularis muscles result in supination position of the foot. Sensory innervation is compromised for the lateral calf and the dorsum of the foot. The N. fibularis profundus may be affected in compartment syndrome as a result of a trauma if the nerve and concomitant blood vessels are compressed by bleeding or swelling of the extensor muscles (anterior [tibial] compartment syndrome). This frequently requires splitting of the fascia of the leg (fasciotomy). Paralysis of the N. fibularis profundus also shows with footdrop and steppage gait, but the sensory innervation is only compromised in the first interphalangeal area. In the anterior tarsal tunnel syndrome, the cutaneous branches underneath the Retinaculum musculorum extensorum are compressed with resulting numbness at the first interphalangeal space. Isolated injuries of the N. fibularis superficialis (as in trauma of the fibularis muscles) are less common and cause a supination position of the foot due to the malfunction of the fibularis muscles. Here, sensory innervation at the dorsum of the foot is compromised with intact skin sensation at the first interphalangeal space.

Arteries of the pelvis and thigh


Fig. 4.167 Arteries of the pelvis and the thigh, right side; ventral view.
The A. profunda femoris is the main artery of the hip joint and the thigh. The other branches of the A. femoralis do not contribute to the arterial supply of the thigh. The A. profunda femoris branches off the A. femoralis 3–6 cm inferior to the inguinal ligament and divides into the Aa. circumflexae femoris medialis and lateralis. In the adult, the femoral head is almost exclusively supplied by the A. circumflexa femoris medialis (R. profundus) which loops around the Collum femoris from behind (→
Figs. 4.57 und 4.58). The R. profundus also supplies the adductor muscles and the hamstring muscles. The R. acetabularis anastomoses with the identically named branch of the A. obturatoria. The A. circumflexa femoris lateralis courses anterior to the femoral neck. It supplies the femoral neck and with several branches also the lateral hip muscles and the ventral muscles of the thigh. The Aa. perforantes are terminal branches which supply the adductor and hamstring muscles. All branches anastomose with each other as well as with the A. obturatoria and the Aa. gluteae from the A. iliaca interna which is the basis for potential collateral circulations.

Arteries of the Lower Extremity

Branches of the A. iliaca externa
Branches of the A. femoralis: Branches of the A. poplitea: Branches of the A. tibialis anterior: Branches of the A. tibialis posterior:

Clinical Remarks

A complete physical examination includes palpation of the arterial pulses of the A. femoralis (in the groin), the A. poplitea (in the popliteal fossa), the A. dorsalis pedis (at the level of the talocalcaneonavicular joint lateral of the M. extensor hallucis longus tendon), and the A. tibialis posterior (behind the medial malleolus) to rule out occlusion of the respective blood vessels due to arteriosclerosis or emboli. Owing to the excellent blood supply of the Tibia (through Vasa nutricia) large fluid volumes may be infused via an intraosseous access in emergency situations. Several arterial anastomoses contribute to collateral circulations at different levels of the lower extremity. Although the anastomoses between branches of the A. profunda femoris and branches of the A. iliaca interna are variable, in an emergency they allow for the ligation of the A. femoris proximal to the A. profunda femoris. In contrast, the collaterals of the Rete articulare genus around the knee are not sufficient to compensate for the ligation of the A. poplitea. The Rete articulare genus is formed by the recurrent arteries of the leg and the third perforating artery of the A. profunda femoris. The arterial network around the malleoli is well developed and usually warrants sufficient arterial supply to the foot if one of the Aa. tibiales is occluded. (The part of the A. femoralis between the branching off of the A. profunda femoris and the entry into the Canalis adductorius is clinically often referred to as A. femoralis superficialis.)

Veins of the lower extremity

Lymph nodes and lymph vessels of the inguinal region

Vessels and nerves of the inguinal region

Superficial vessels and nerves of inguinal region and thigh


Fig. 4.179 Epifascial vessels and nerves of the inguinal region, Regio inguinalis, the thigh, Regio femoris anterior, and the knee, Regio genus anterior, right side; ventral view.
During the dissection of this region particularly the course of the cutaneous nerves and the epifascial veins need to be considered. The N. ilioinguinalis pierces the fascia above the inguinal ligament. Just cranial to it, the R. cutaneus anterior of the N. iliohypogastricus is found. The V. saphena magna ascends at the medial aspect of the thigh and enters into the V. femoralis through the Hiatus saphenus. Here the vein collects several tributaries from the inguinal region (→
p. 341). Most of these veins are accompanied by small branches of the A. femoralis. The R. femoralis of the N. genitofemoralis passes through the Lacuna vasorum just lateral to the A. femoralis. The N. cutaneus femoris lateralis traverses the Lacuna musculorum medially to the Spina iliaca anterior superior and innervates the lateral aspect of the thigh. The Rr. cutanei anteriores of the N. femoralis pierce the fascia at several locations to innervate the ventral aspect of the thigh. Medial to the V. saphena magna, several small cutaneous branches of the N. obturatorius supply a variable area on the medial aspect of the thigh. Medial and inferior to the knee, the R. infrapatellaris of the N. saphenus passes through the fascia. Just above the patella the thin A. descendens genus courses to the Rete patellare of the knee.

Superficial vessels and nerves of the leg


Fig. 4.181 and Fig. 4.182 Epifascial veins and nerves of the leg, Regio cruris, and the foot, Regio pedis, right side; medial (→ Fig. 4.181) and dorsolateral (→ Fig. 4.182) views.
The V. saphena magna originates at the medial margin of the foot anterior to the medial malleolus and ascends on the medial side of the leg and thigh. At the medial aspect of the knee, the N. saphenus pierces the fascia. Its major branch descends adjacent to the V. saphena magna and splits into the sensory terminal branches, Rr. cutanei cruris mediales, for the innervation of the ventral and medial leg and the medial margin of the foot. The R. infrapatellaris of the N. saphenus pierces the fascia ventral to the V. saphena magna and supplies the skin beneath the patella. In the distal third of the lateral side of the leg, the N. fibularis superficialis perforates the fascia to split into the two terminal cutaneous branches (Nn. cutanei dorsalis medialis and intermedius) which continue on the dorsum of the foot. On the posterior side of the leg, the V. saphena parva emerges from the epifascial veins of the lateral margin of the foot and ascends posteriorly to the lateral malleolus on the dorsal side of the calf, pierces the popliteal fascia, and enters the V. poplitea. Adjacent thereof courses the N. cutaneus surae medialis, a branch of the N. tibialis, which continues distally at the distal third of the leg as N. suralis. It frequently communicates with the N. fibularis directly or via a communicating N. cutaneus surae lateralis. The terminal branch of the N. suralis supplies as N. cutaneus dorsalis lateralis the lateral margin of the foot.

Vessels and nerves of the thigh


Fig. 4.186 Vessels and nerves of the thigh, Regio femoris anterior, right side; ventral view; after partial removal of the M. sartorius and M. rectus femoris, and splitting of the M. pectineus and M. adductor longus. The adductor canal is opened.
The A. profunda femoris with its branches is displayed. This artery branches off the A. femoralis 3–6 cm below the inguinal ligament and serves as main artery for the thigh and the femoral head (→
pp. 271 and 338). The Aa. circumflexae femoris medialis and lateralis branch off the A. profunda femoris or occasionally derive directly from the A. femoralis. The A. circumflexa femoris medialis has a deep branch to supply the femoral neck and head as well as the adductor muscles and the proximal parts of the hamstring muscles. There are anastomoses with the A. obturatoria which contribute to the supply of the acetabular fossa and the adductors. The ascending branch (R. ascendens) of the A. circumflexa femoris lateralis supplies the lateral muscles of the hip, the descending branch (R. descendens). descendens supplies the anterior ventral muscles of the thigh. The main trunk of the A. profunda femoris descends further and provides three Aa. perforantes to supply the deep adductor muscles and the hamstring muscles at the dorsal aspect of the thigh.

Vessels and nerves of the gluteal region and thigh

Vessels and nerves of the leg

Vessels and nerves of the sole of the foot

Hip joint, oblique section


Fig. 4.207 Thigh, Femur, oblique section through the hip joint, right side; distal view illustrating the axes of movement of the hip joint.
The oblique section through the thigh at the level of the femoral head shows the position of the diverse groups of muscles relative to the articular head and the axes of movement. The M. gluteus maximus is located dorsal to the hip joint, whereas the smaller gluteal muscles (Mm. glutei medius and minimus) in part course ventral to the longitudinal and transverse axes of the hip joint. This position explains why the M. gluteus maximus acts as external rotator and extensor of the hip, and the small gluteal muscles function as strongest medial rotators and also as flexors of the hip. The M. iliopsoas is located anterior to the transverse axis and is the most important flexor of the hip joint. It is supported for this function by the anterior group of femoral muscles (M. sartorius, M. rectus femoris), the M. tensor fasciae latae, and the superficial adductor muscles (Mm. adductores longus and brevis, M. pectineus, main part of the M. adductor magnus). However, the dorsal part of the M. adductor magnus is positioned posterior to the transverse axis and functions as extensor of the hip joint together with the hamstring muscles of which it is a part of given its function and innervation. Cross-sections through the extremities are well suited to comprehend the course of the neurovascular structures in the respective compartments at several levels. After exiting the small pelvis, the N. ischiadicus initially courses beneath the M. gluteus maximus. On the ventral side, the A. profunda femoris is covered by the M. pectineus.

* transverse axis of movement in the hip joint

** sagittal axis of movement in the hip joint


Leg, transverse section

Clinical Remarks

Compression syndromes most commonly develop in the anterior compartment (compartment syndrome), rarely in the posterior deep compartment. With posttraumatic swelling of the extensor muscles or after a long march the supplying blood vessels and nerves may be compressed and damaged, causing extensive pain. This may also cause the loss of palpable arterial pulses of the A. dorsalis pedis which arises from the A. tibialis anterior. Most frequently, the compression causes a lesion of the N. fibularis profundus (→ p. 337) with resulting functional deficits including the inability to dorsiflex the foot in the ankle joint and loss of sensory innervation in the first interdigital space. This condition requires the immediate decompression by surgical incision of the fascia (fasciotomy). Diagnostically, the pressure within the anterior compartment is determined using a pressure sensor which requires immobilisation of the open leg.