General Anatomy

Orientation on the Body

Surface Anatomy


Musculoskeletal System

Vessels and Nerves

Imaging Techniques

Integumentary System

Anatomy – Reveal the Concealed

What Anatomy Is

ανατoμη” (anatome) means cut-up, “ανατεμνειν” (anatemnein) denotes to cut open. Consequently, anatomy is dissection and the anatomists are dissectors. The dissection reveals the otherwise non-visible constituents, and is the method which named the science: reveal, represent, divide, cut, sort, and name. Recognition of the parts is the key to understanding the subject.

“Anatomy […] dissects organisms into their […] constituents […], examining their external, sensorial perceptible properties and their internal structure. It is the study of death to make conclusions about life. Anatomy manually destroys an ideal creation in order to rebuild it mentally and to virtually recreate a human being. There is not a more glamorous task for the human mind.”

Joseph Hyrtl (Anatomist, 1811–1894).

Although anatomy deals with death, it is devoted to life. It is not about death but rather about the comprehension of the human body which functions as a unit. The body donors are models only.

There are two other medical fields which deal with dead bodies: forensic medicine and pathology. Pathologists are interested in causes of diseases. Forensic medicine deals in particular with doubtful causes of death. Whereas the sole purpose of anatomists is to understand the living human body on a continuum from the embryonic stage to old age.

Eyes and hands are most important tools of the anatomist. The findings revealed by hands, tweezers, scissors, scalpels, and the visualization of these structures by eye is called gross or macroscopic anatomy. Structures in gross anatomy not discernible by the naked eye can be visualized by microtomes or light and electron microscopes. This field is called microscopic anatomy.

Organization and classification are basic aspects of systematic anatomy. The body is precisely classified according to systems. The bone system for example includes not only bones, but also bony parts and associated terminology. On the other hand, tissue systems are organized according to types and subtypes. Topographic anatomy is the study of regions or divisions of the body and emphasizes the relations between various structures in that region. The relationship of form and function is termed functional anatomy. Topographic anatomy and functional anatomy are the supreme disciplines of the physician and lead the path to clinical anatomy. This serves as practical application for diagnosis and therapy. Lastly, comparative anatomy serves in evolutionary phylogeny. It is of interest to biologists and compares bodies and body parts of different creatures.

Histology is a subdivision of microscopic anatomy and is dealing with the composition of organ tissues which are multicellular in structure. Cytology, the study of cells, focuses on structure and function of the single cell. Embryology, which mainly uses the microscope for examination of tiny embryos, describes the development of an organism (individual development, ontogenesis).

Dissection and analysis is the trade of the anatomy, but its real goal is to mentally assemble all parts into a functioning whole. This goal of understanding the structural design and shape of biological structures and conceptualizing it as a unified structure-function relationship can also be called morphology.

Body Donations – The Legacy

Dead human bodies are essential for carrying out lessons in dissection. These bodies are made available by body donations. The body donor bequeathed his/her body to an anatomical institute. This has to be done in person as a last will declaration during the lifetime of the donor. Next of kin are not authorized representatives in this legal matter. Every body donor has personally contacted an anatomy institute during his/her lifetime and, in the last will, donated his/her body to the institution for teaching and research after death.

The body donor usually receives a donor card which always needs to be at hand. When death occurs the body is brought to the anatomy institute and is used for lessons in dissection, for clinical preparations, for demonstration, or for surgery courses as well as for scientific studies.

Following the courses and examinations, the mortal remains are usually cremated and buried in the cemetery of honour of the university. The memorial or funeral service is attended by family members, students, and instructors of the faculty.

Depending on institution and/or state/province, there are different regulations for the exhibition of bodies and organs. For example, body donors or organs of body donors can be exhibited in an anatomical collection for presentation and teaching purposes, if this is expressed in the body donor’s will.

Reasons for body donations are diverse, and body donors represent all parts of society. The widely held assumption that body donors donate to be granted an inexpensive funeral is proven to be wrong. Many universities charge a fee for body donations and this has not resulted in a reduction of body donations.

Dissection Link

Dissection is done by hand using a scalpel (non-disposable scalpels!) and anatomical tweezers. Structures and organs as well as their topographic relationships are examined in this fashion.

The nature of the tissue differs regionally. Areas with a lot of adipose tissues that can be removed bluntly by hand alternate with connective tissue which can be stripped off with the aid of scalpel only. As part of the preparation, different cavities are exposed which are filled with air, liquid, or solid constituents. The tissue of the organs (parenchyma) may – depending on the fixation – be hard, soft, spongy, tender, or elastic. Protected nerves and blood vessels are located in different layers of the body, and their dissection can be of varying difficulty. In some locations these are easily removable, in other regions they may adhere to adjacent tissues. To illustrate the muscles, mobilization by loosening the tight surrounding connective tissue sheaths (muscle fascia) is required.

To prevent damage, special attention needs to be paid to nerves and blood vessels entering and exiting the muscle. Partial severance of surrounding ligaments is needed to open joints. In contrast some structures such as the inner ear can be exposed with a hammer and chisel or saws and milling machines.

The preparation requires a lot of patience, manual dexterity, and spatial imagination. One gains great experiences and valuable insights which are not offered by any anatomy textbook or atlas. These include the three-dimensional understanding of the structures of the human body, the confrontation with death, but also teamwork.


Orientation on the body

Surface anatomy

Parts of the body

Inner organs, surface projection



Musculoskeletal system

Structure of bones


Range of joint movement

Clinical Remarks

Limitations of joint movement are associated with a decreased range of movement. A contraction is indicated if the joint mobility is restricted or the neutral position of a joint is not reached. The neutral-null method is used to document exactly the mobility of the impaired joint. For a limited mobility of flexion contracture the motion formula reads for example, 0°–20°–140° (→ Fig. 1.26b: extension of the knee is not possible, null position is not achieved, the knee is in 20° flexion, but can be further bent to 140°). A complete stiffening of the knee due to ossification (ankylosis) results in the knee being fixed in a 20° angle of flexion. The movement formula is 0°–20°–20° (→ Fig. 1.26c: knee extension is not possible, null position is not achieved, the knee is bent at 20° and cannot be bent further).

Types of muscles

Muscle biomechanics

Vessels and nerves

Systemic, pulmonary, and fetal blood circulation


Fig. 1.35 The prenatal circulation; schematic representation. (according to [1])
Arrows indicate the direction of blood flow. The prenatal circulation is different from the circulation after birth.

Oxygenated blood is transported from the placenta and through the umbilical vein to the liver where most of the blood is drained by the Ductus venosus (ARANTII) directly into the V. cava inferior. From here, the major part of the blood reaches the right atrium of the heart, crosses over to the left atrium via the open Foramen ovale in the atrial septum, enters the left ventricle, and is ejected into the aorta and systemic circulation. Venous blood of the upper half of the body enters the right atrium through the V. cava superior and is directed mostly into the right ventricle. When the heart contracts, most of the ejection fraction is transported via the Ductus arteriosus (BOTALLI) directly into the Aorta descendens. Both shortcuts in the heart (open Foramen ovale and open Ductus arteriosus [BOTALLI]) are required since in the fetus the fluid-filled lungs are not yet inflated and constitute a barrier. Blood from the fetal systemic circulation is routed mainly via the internal iliac arteries (Aa. iliaca internae) into the paired umbilical arteries (Aa. umbilicales) located within the umbilical cord to reach the placenta. A sequence of events shortly after birth which involves the termination of the placental circulation, the inflation of the lungs, and the onset of breathing in the newborn results in the occlusion of:

At this point, the cardiovascular system only consists of the heart, the systemic circulation (body circulation; supply of body tissues, and the smaller pulmonary circulation (gas exchange) (→ Fig. 5.10). The ejection fraction of the heart of a resting adult is 70 ml.
Approximately 64% of blood resides in the venous system at any given moment and this can increase to approximately 80% (blood reservoir).

The small arteries and arterioles of the muscles mainly determine the vascular resistance. In the arterial system (high pressure system) the average blood pressure is approximately 100 mmHg (= mm mercury column), whereas in the venous system it is approximately 20 mmHg. Both systems are separated by the capillary bed where the exchanges of gas and nutrients take place.

* BOTALLOs ligament

** BOTALLOs duct

*** ARANTIUS duct

**** ARANTIUS ligament

Portal vein system

Spinal nerves

Autonomic nervous system

Radiography, fluoroscopy

Imaging techniques

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)


Integumentary system




Fig. 1.60 Structure of a hair follicle; longitudinal section. [25]
Hair originates from hair follicles which are cylindrical invaginations of the epidermis into the dermis or subcutis. The hair follicular body consists of a hair bulb and the hair papilla. Each hair follicle receives a tuft of blood vessels to sustain its growth and is associated with a sebaceous gland (hair-sebaceous gland unit) and a smooth muscle (M. arrector pili). The latter is responsible for the erection of the hair (sympathetic activation) by indenting the epidermis to form small pits (goose bumps).

The following structures can be identified in a hair:

• a fully keratinized hair shaft with the epithelial inner and outer root sheaths

• non-keratinized hair root separated by the keratogenous zone (hair cells keratinizing) from the keratinized hair shaft

• hair bulb with its expanded base contains mitotically active matrix cells (regenerative part of the hair)

• dermal hair papilla, the cell- and blood vessel-rich dermal part which invaginates into the hair bulb from beneath

• hair infundibulum represents the surface opening of the follicle and contains the pilosebaceous canal of the hair-sebaceous gland unit

• epithelial root sheath of the hair which is divided into an inner and outer root sheath: cellular layers of the inner root sheath are (from hair medulla outward): cuticle, HUXLEY’s and HENLE’s layers; the outer root sheath is composed of multiple layers of bright, nonkeratinized cells which begin to keratinize in the infundibular region of the hair and integrate into the epidermis.

Genetic predisposition and pigmentation (melanin content) determine the hair colour. Once the production of melanin ceases, the hair turns from grey to white.